What is the purpose of User Account in TheBankNXT?
User Account Module in TheBankNXT is an approach for providing role-based access for the users in the organization. It enables admin of the organization to restrict system / module access to authorized users according to the roles. Different roles can be created in TheBankNXT and permissions to the access of the modules can be set. Admin can have full access of the application.
What are the different roles present in TheBankNXT?
In TheBankNXT, by default there will be 5 roles added with desired permissions. The 5 roles are:
- Administrator
- Accounts Manager
- Auditor
- HR Manager
- Tax Agent
However, you can customize the role as per the requirement.
What is the role of the user who creates an account in TheBankNXT?
The user who creates an account in TheBankNXT will be considered as Admin who has full access to the application. The Admin is authorized to create different roles, delete users, add another admin and provide permissions to users for accessing various modules.
Is it possible to alter the permissions for default roles present in TheBankNXT?
Yes, the admin user can alter the permissions for the default roles present in TheBankNXT.
How to add different roles in user account?
- Go to User Account —> Roles & Permissions
- Click on ‘+’ button on right side bottom corner
- Enter the Role Name
- Click Save
How to add / edit the permissions to the roles present in user account?
- Go to User Account —> Roles & Permissions
- Click the edit symbol on the role you want edit / give permissions
- Enter any description if it is needed for the role
- Check-in, for which the permission has to be given for the particular role to access the module
- Check-out, for which the permission has to be removed for the particular role to access the module
Is it necessary that the user should be an employee of the organization for the role-based access in TheBankNXT?
No, the user account can be created in TheBankNXT for the employee of the organization and also others who are not part of the organization.
How to add a new user in accountable under a company?
- Go to User Account —> User
- Click on ‘+’ button to add a new user
- Select the type of user i.e. either the employee of the organization or other who is not part of the organization to access the application
- If the user is an employee:
- Select the employee name and the employee email and mobile gets prefilled
- Select the role
- Select the company GSTIN
- Click Save
- If the user is other:
- Enter the E-Mail id of the user
- Enter the Mobile Number of the user
- Enter the Name of the user
- Select the role
- Select the company GSTIN
- Click Save
- A mail will be sent to the user with login credentials and the role assigned in the organization
- The user can access the application with the credentials and modules access will be based on the permissions that has been assigned.
How the user can reset the password for their account in TheBankNXT?
The user can follow the below mentioned steps to change the password for their account in TheBankNXT:
- Click on the profile icon on the right side of the screen in the dashboard
- Go to profile
- Click Change Password
- Enter the current password
- Enter the new password
- Verify the password by entering the new password again
- Click Save
The user password will be changed successfully.